Thursday, December 11, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
WATCH: Dog Jumps Into Live Weather Report
Friday, November 28, 2014
Bleona në lidhje me një biznesmen turk
Mediat turke shkruajnë se këngëtarja shqiptare Bleona Qerreti po përjeton një histori dashurie me biznesmenin hamshor turk Alican Ulusoy.
Madje ato shkojnë më tej ndërsa shkruajnë se ai e shoqëronte Bleonën në American Music Awards, ku u shfaq me veshjen transparente prej rrjete, aq shumë të kritikuar.
Të njëjtat burime saktësojnë se Bleona ka udhëtuar disa herë edhe drejt Stambollit për tu takuar me biznesmenin e famshëm.
Edhe pse asnjëri prej tyre nuk e ka pranuar faktin, mediat turke janë mëse të bindura.
Sipas tyre ata janë fotografuar së bashku edhe gjatë verës, teksa pushonin në Greqi.
Modelja ruse s’ka të ndalur.
Modelja e njohur ruse, Irina Shayk kohëve të fundit ka bërë set të ri fotografik.
Ajo me këto foto ka reklamuar linjën e re të rrobave të banjos nga Agua Bendita.
Kallashi është krenare që është shqiptare
Donjeta Kosumi, e njohur si Kallashi, përmes një postimi në facebook, ka uruar festën e 28 nëntorit.
Ajo ka postuar një foto ku i shihet një shqiponjë e montuar në bark.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Të bukura falë çokollatës
Çokollata është një nga mëkatet e ëmbla së cilës vështirë se mund t'i rezistojmë.
Ajo është një ilaç për qiellzën dhe shpesh na bën të lumtur. Në kohët e lashta, pijen e kakaos e kanë shijuar vetëm klerikët dhe fisnikët.
Çokollata në formë të lëngshme, me erëza djegëse u përkiste mbretërve dhe ka shërbyer si një pije freskuese. Atëherë besohej se pija nga çokollata mbillte urtësi dhe fuqi. Shekuj më vonë, nga pija hyjnore luftarake evropianët do të bëjnë ëmbëlsira.
Dikur çokollata ishte përjashtuar tërësisht nga ushqimi për shkak të vlerës së lartë kalorike, por sot ajo është gjithnjë e më e pranishme në preparatet e kozmetikës për fytyrë dhe trup, ndërsa çokollata e zezë shpesh rekomandohet edhe në menutë e ndryshme.
Çokollatën e bën shëruese antioksidanti flavanol, i cili ia jep shijen e hidhët. Prandaj, nëse ju pëlqen "terapia e çokollatës" zgjidhni një çokollatë sa më të zezë. Përveçse është një antidepresant i shkëlqyer, çokollata ka efekte të shumta të dobishme dhe përdoret në kozmetikë dhe kujdesin e flokëve dhe trupit.
Gjalpi i kakaos është i shkëlqyer për lëkurë të thatë dhe lëkurë dhe flokë të plasaritur, dhe është gjithashtu i shkëlqyer për kujdesin e lëkurës para ose pas rrezitjes. Çokollata ndikon në lëkurë si stimuluese dhe rigjeneruese, prandaj trajtimet me çokollatë janë antioksidantë të shkëlqyer.
Shumë sallone të bukurisë ofrojnë një shumëllojshmëri të trajtimeve me çokollatë, kështu që mund të kënaqeni me maskat për fytyrë dhe trup, si dhe me masazhe dhe trajtime të tjera. Lëkura pas trajtimit është shumë e lëmuar, e mëndafshtë dhe e butë. Një trajtim interesant është se me nuhatjen e çokollatës rregulloni disponimin tuaj të çastit.
Trajtimet anticelulite me çokollatë janë gjithashtu shumë të popullarizuara në sallonet e bukurisë. Përbërësit e çokollatës, si kafeina, teobromini dhe triptofani, kanë një efekt të jashtëzakonshëm tonifikues, lipolitik dhe drenazhues.
Çokollata rekomandohet për dhimbje koke, si maskë e flokëve, si një ilaç për zemër të shëndetshme dhe me sukses zgjidh problemet e sindromës premenstruale. Gjithashtu nuk duhet të harrojmë se çokollata është në çdo listë të afrodiziakëve. Ajo krijon një ndjenjë të kënaqësisë, përmirëson disponimin dhe nxitë epshin.
Sidoqoftë, shijimin e kremës dhe ëmbëlsirës nga çokollata më mirë anashkaloni nëse doni ta ruani trupin vital. Qëndroni me kozmetikën me bazë të çokollatës, llastojeni veten me masazh të çokollatës dhe hani çokollatë të zezë, e cila ka një efekt shumë të favorshëm për të gjithë organizmin.
Çfarë lidhje ka Blero me Kallashin?!
Vallëtarja Donjeta Kasumi, nuk ka rrëmbyer vetëm zemrat e fansave.
Kohëve të fundit edhe yjet e estradës janë përafruar me Kallashin.
Njëri prej tyre është edhe Blero.
Në një fotografi që e ka postuar në profilin e saj Kallashi, ajo dhe Blero shihen në shumë disponim. (yllPress)
Çka i thotë Dardan Berisha të dashurës kur ajo e refuzon në shtrat? (Video)
Ne intervistën 60 sekonda në Prive u përgjigj basketbollisti Dardan Berisha, i cili njihet një prej basketbollistëve më të mirë në vend.
Ai tha se është me Sali Berishën për shkak të mbiemrit derisa tha se tifozët e qetë nuk i duron.
Beson se është basketbollisti më i paguar në vend derisa më së shumti e merr malli për prindërit.
Nuk do të bënte gjithçka për dashuri por vetëm "plot sene", por çka i thotë ai të dashurës kur ajo e refuzon në shtrat.
"A ndodh ajo a? S'ndodh", u përgjigj ai duke qeshur.
Ja si mund ta takoni Gjysten në aeroport
Këngëtarja e njohur, Gjyste Vulaj, herë pas here na sjell foto provokative dhe tejet seksi, në rrjetet sociale.
Së fundmi, gjersa ajo ishte duke pritur në një Terminal Doganor në Frankfurt, duket se e ka kapur lodhja.
Andaj edhe ka bërë pak “relax”.
Këngëtarja e njohur, Gjyste Vulaj, herë pas here na sjell foto provokative dhe tejet seksi, në rrjetet sociale.
Së fundmi, gjersa ajo ishte duke pritur në një Terminal Doganor në Frankfurt, duket se e ka kapur lodhja. Andaj edhe ka bërë pak “relax”.
Stresi imiton Noizyn?
Reperi Arkimed Lushaj, i njohur si Stresi është duke xhiruar skenat e videoklipit të ri me titull ‘’Ushtari i rrugës’’. Stresi këtë herë vjen në bashkëpunim me Lonin, një reper kosovarë jo edhe aq i njohur për publikun e gjërë.
Në një nga skenat e videoklipit të këngës ‘’Ushtari i rruges’’, Stresi do të shfaqet duke boksuar në rrugë, njejtë siç bënte Noizy dikur.
Videoklipi në fjalë pritet të lansohet së shpejti. /Indeksonline/
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Inzaghi: “Palermo a tough side, Milan will have to work hard”
FILIPPO INZAGHI has said that he doesn’t look at the position in the table but of course wants to win tomorrow and also declared: ‘I believe Mattia De Sciglio is the new Paolo Maldini.’
Milan are currently in 5th place, two points behind Napoli, who played earlier today and managed to beat Roma, but tomorrow they can conquer the Partenopei’s third place if they beat Palermo.
“Negative memories from Palermo? I tend to forget the hardest and worst moments,” Pippo told MC. “It was a dramatic moment when I ruptured my cruciate ligament. Pleasant or bad moments, it doesn’t matter; we’ve an important match. All of the matches in Serie A are difficult.
“The championship has got more balanced. It’s great for the spectacle but it means we will have to really work hard tomorrow. Palermo have an excellent mentality, they’re committed, have desire and quality. They have some important players like Dybala, Vazquez, Belotti, Barreto, Maresca. They’re a tough side to face.
“Palermo defend well and use the counter-attack well. We will have to be attentive. We will have the San Siro behind us. Let’s think about keeping this position in the league table, which for us is a dream. The absentees tomorrow? Bonaventura won’t play. He took a knock and it’s pointless risking him. Whoever comes in for him will do so in the best way possible.
“I will evaluate the most suited playing formation today. There could be a chance for players who have played less likeRiccardo Saponara or Marco Van Ginkel. We need to be patient with them. Fernando Torres? He is fine. Unfortunately a striker is judged by his goals, but a coach looks at a lot more. He works hard for the team and this for me is very important.
“I’m very calm. We have a squad of 28 and some won’t play as much, but there’s a lot of respect here and I try to be clear with everyone. The atmosphere is very good. Those that haven’t had many opportunities, will have the chance to do so elsewhere in January. We have a very responsible group and so the words of Jeremy Menez don’t surprise me. When you miss out on 2 weeks of training, in a tough league like ours, it’s not easy to get back to your best right away. It happened to El Shaarawy and it’s happening to Menez. This squad is going beyond all of our expectations. We’re unbeaten in 6 games.
“We have to continue in this manner, we’re doing lots of positive things while taking into account that we have to improve in many other aspects.” After the interview with the Milan Channel, Inzaghi spoke to the journalists in a presser.
“I’m not looking at the league table, even if we’re happy to be there. It all depends on us,” the 41-year-old said. “All of this was perhaps unthinkable at the start of the season. I have to focus on the performances. It was hard at Cagliari, but we had 48 hours of rest less than them. We didn’t have many choices to make, for a question of balance. If Muntari had scored at 1-1, perhaps the match would have changed. We struggled, but also brought home the sixth positive result in a row.
“Palermo are a tough side and will be difficult to take on. However, we’re at the San Siro and we want to pick up the 3 points on offer, by giving everything that we have. The side’s performances and results lately? An evaluation can be made as of tomorrow evening. It’s positive however. We’ve perhaps not produced as much upfront, but we’ve worked well in defence. We have the best attack in the league and I’m not worried in this sense. We’ll get back to scoring goals.
“The President was very kind with me and I hope that he is even happier with me at the end of the season. We’re proud of our scores that he gave us, but aware we have to improve, starting tomorrow. We want to win for him against Palermo.
“The possible formation against Palermo? I’m not ruling anything out. We tried a 4-2-3-1 during the match. We’re without Bonaventura and Muntari tomorrow. We have excellent and reliable alternatives. Saponara and Van Ginkel come off the back of serious injuries and I have to get them in the best condition possible for them to be at their best out on the pitch.
I haven’t yet decided in defence. We’ll see if we get Alex back. In goal, I was thinking about bringing back Diego Lopez at Cagliari, but then I decided to go with continuity. If Diego Lopez is well, he will come back. For me Mattia De Sciglio had a very good game at Cagliari. I’m happy with him. I believe De Sciglio is the new Maldini, but we have to be cautious.
Milan-Palermo: The Rossoneri squad
HERE is the squad of Milan for today.
AC Milan face U.S. Città di Palermo on Sunday evening when the clock points 20:45 CET at Stadio San Siro for the 10th matchday of the 2014/2015 Serie A season and the Rossoneri coach Filippo Inzaghi has named his squad.
Inzaghi chose to leave out Philippe Mexes and Hachim Mastour (who played with the Primavera) and was forced to keep the banned Sulley Muntari and the unfit Riccardo Montolivo and Giacomo Bonaventura out of the lost.
Milan celebrating against Cagliari (@acmilan.com)
AC Milan Squad
Montolivo Happy To Be Training With AC Milan Again
AC Milan captain Riccardo Montolivo has revealed that he’s happy to finally be back in training with the Diavolo after spending the past five months on the sidelines with an injury.
The 29-year-old fractured his left tibia while playing with Italy in an international friendly against Irelandon May 31 and had spent the entire summer in recovery after receiving surgery, though he has now been deemed fit to practice with the Rossoneri once again.
Montolivo posted on his official Twitter page on Saturday following his first training session with AC Milan since his recovery and expressed his excitement to be able to play again soon.
“Finally, I’m with my team-mates once again,” said the Italian international. “I couldn’t stand to watch them from the sidelines much more!”
Despite his return to training, it is still unknown when the midfielder will be ready to make his way into coach Filippo Inzaghi’s line up, though some reports suggest that he’s hoping to make his season debut during Milan’s derby meeting with Inter on November 23.
AC Milan In Talks To Secure Real Madrid Star On Loan
AC Milan are looking into the possibility of signing Real Madrid’sAsier Illarramendi on loan, and have reportedly opened talks with the player.
The Rossoneri are actively searching for additional midfield options and have also been linked with a move for Illarramendi’s team mate Sami Khedira, although he is likely to demand too much financially.
According to reports in Corriere della Sera, Adriano Galliani has already held talks with the player’s representatives over a potential loan move for the 24-year-old, and the Rossoneri are counting on their good relationship with Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti to facilitate any deal.
Illarramendi began his career with Real Sociedad where he first plied his trade with the B side before making his breakthrough in 2010. He eventually joined Madrid in July 2013 for a fee of €32.2 million but he has found limited playing time this season behind the likes of Toni Kroos
The youth sector side came back from behind to beat Cesena 3-1 on Saturday.
(IN THE PHOTO: the starting line-up from the cup match against Sassuolo)
MILAN – The club’s youth sector side, the Primavera, battled back from a goal down to beat Cesena 3-1 on Saturday afternoon in their league match at the Vismara Training Centre.
The first-half was an even affair and ended goalless. The rossoneri had appeals for a penalty waved away by the referee on 16 minutes when Felicioli was brought down in the area for a push from behind.
Mastour, fresh from his wonder goal in the cup win against Sassuolo earlier this week, was in the starting eleven and just after the half hour mark set up Calabriawith a lovely little flick out on the left, but the rossoneri were unable to finish off the move.
Moments before half-time the rossoneri thought they had found the breakthrough as Modic came agonisingly close with his shot which went inches wide of the post. After the break, Modic was involved again as he fired a curling right foot shot which sent the Cesena goalkeeper into a flying save.
Despite Milan's efforts, Moncini gave the away side the lead with just over 20 minutes to go and minutes later Cesena came close to doubling their lead and hit the crossbar through Valzania.
In an effort to turn the tide in their favour, Cristian Brocchi brought on Fabbro on 75 minutes and it proved to be an inspired substitution. Within one minute, Fabbro was involved in the equaliser providing a perfect assist for Vassallo who scored from close range.
Less than 10 minutes later, Fabbro went from provider to goalscoer, heading home Mastour’s cross for a 2-1 lead. On 87 minutes Milan opened up a 2 goal cushion and in doing so wrapped up the win. Turano provided the assist and Vassallo made no mistakes to head the ball past the Cesena shot-stopper and complete his brace.
The rossoneri youngsters showed grit, determination and heart right the way until the very end. It rounds off an excellent week for Cristian Brocchi’s side after they qualified for the next round of the Youth TIM Cup on Wednesday by beating Sassuolo. Milan maintain second place in the league table and face Cagliari on Wednesday.
The first-half was an even affair and ended goalless. The rossoneri had appeals for a penalty waved away by the referee on 16 minutes when Felicioli was brought down in the area for a push from behind.
Mastour, fresh from his wonder goal in the cup win against Sassuolo earlier this week, was in the starting eleven and just after the half hour mark set up Calabriawith a lovely little flick out on the left, but the rossoneri were unable to finish off the move.
Moments before half-time the rossoneri thought they had found the breakthrough as Modic came agonisingly close with his shot which went inches wide of the post. After the break, Modic was involved again as he fired a curling right foot shot which sent the Cesena goalkeeper into a flying save.
Despite Milan's efforts, Moncini gave the away side the lead with just over 20 minutes to go and minutes later Cesena came close to doubling their lead and hit the crossbar through Valzania.
In an effort to turn the tide in their favour, Cristian Brocchi brought on Fabbro on 75 minutes and it proved to be an inspired substitution. Within one minute, Fabbro was involved in the equaliser providing a perfect assist for Vassallo who scored from close range.
Less than 10 minutes later, Fabbro went from provider to goalscoer, heading home Mastour’s cross for a 2-1 lead. On 87 minutes Milan opened up a 2 goal cushion and in doing so wrapped up the win. Turano provided the assist and Vassallo made no mistakes to head the ball past the Cesena shot-stopper and complete his brace.
The rossoneri youngsters showed grit, determination and heart right the way until the very end. It rounds off an excellent week for Cristian Brocchi’s side after they qualified for the next round of the Youth TIM Cup on Wednesday by beating Sassuolo. Milan maintain second place in the league table and face Cagliari on Wednesday.
This is how the two sides lined-up for the match:
MILAN: Livieri; Turano, Calabria, De Santis, Modic, Bordi, Mastalli, Locatelli, Vido, Mastour, Felicioli. Subs: Aiolfi, Derosa, Maldini, Gamarra, Bonanni, Lo, Papasodaro, Vassallo, Fabbro, Meleleo. Coach Cristian Brocchi
CESENA: Iglio; Zamagni, Fabbri, Gaiola, Venturini, Saporetti, Dalmonte, Yabre, Moncini, Valzania, Mordini. Subs: Carroli, Magrini, Gabrielli, Pompei, Gasperi, Pierfederici, Ferretti, Severini, Raffini. Coach Giuseppe Angelini
MILAN: Livieri; Turano, Calabria, De Santis, Modic, Bordi, Mastalli, Locatelli, Vido, Mastour, Felicioli. Subs: Aiolfi, Derosa, Maldini, Gamarra, Bonanni, Lo, Papasodaro, Vassallo, Fabbro, Meleleo. Coach Cristian Brocchi
CESENA: Iglio; Zamagni, Fabbri, Gaiola, Venturini, Saporetti, Dalmonte, Yabre, Moncini, Valzania, Mordini. Subs: Carroli, Magrini, Gabrielli, Pompei, Gasperi, Pierfederici, Ferretti, Severini, Raffini. Coach Giuseppe Angelini
Iachini: Palermo Will Have To Play A Perfect Match Against AC Milan
Palermo coach Giuseppe Iachini believes the Rosanero must play a perfect match if they have any hopes of gaining points from their match against AC Milan on Sunday.
The Rosanero are coming off a 1-0 victory over Chievo midweek but Iachini has warned his players that the Rossoneri are a different type of opponent with much greater ambitions than the Flying Donkeys.
“We are preparing for the match with maximum concentration,” he stated at his pre-match press conference.
“The standings say that Milan are in the Champions League zone which says a lot about our opponents.
“Returns? We have to evaluate things as this is the third match in a week. [Edgar] Barreto and [Andrea] Belotti have to be evaluated after training yesterday. [Enzo] Maresca is doing well, he can be one of the candidates to start.
“We can cause Milan trouble. The squad is growing and we will play our game as a perfect match is needed against Milan. We must play as we did against Napoli.
“[Filippo] Inzaghi? He is doing very well.”
Menez calls for Milan focus
AC Milan striker Jeremy Menez believes he and his team-mates must sharpen their focus to get back to winning ways in Sunday's home match against Palermo.
Jeremy Menez: Wants AC Milan more focused
The Rossoneri have lost just once this season and are riding a six-match unbeaten run.
But they head into this weekend's encounter at the San Siro, on the back of two straight draws, including Wednesday's 1-1 result at Cagliari.
The outcome in Sardinia left Milan in fourth place, six points adrift of joint leaders Juventus and Roma.
"I believe we can do a lot better and if the team is not winning it's also my fault," Menez said to www.acmilan.com. "I am not yet at my best and I'm the first to be disappointed with my recent performances.
"I will try to do better on Sunday against Palermo."
Menez joined Milan from Paris St Germain this summer and has scored just three league goals for the Rossoneri so far.
"I want to help the team win more games," the Frenchman said. "Now we must return to winning ways because our aim this season is to qualify for the Champions League.
AC Milan keen on Asier Illarramendi
AC Milan are keeping close tabs on Real Madrid midfielder Asier Illarramendi, according to Il Corriere della Sera.
The Rossoneri are widely tipped to reinforce the midfield department in the upcoming transfer window and the Spaniard is one of the players they are looking at.
Il Corriere della Sera has suggested that Milan chief Adriano Galliani has established initial contact with the player’s agents as the Serie A side hope to sign Illarramendi on a six-month loan.
The 24-year-old has struggled for playing time since joining from Real Sociedad, and he only started one league match this season.
With Sami Khedira back in contention, Illarramendi could find it even harder to secure first team football in the coming months and he will probably be tempted by the opportunity to move to San Siro.
AC Milan will be in action tomorrow afternoon as they play host to Palermo, with home win paying 1/2.
There will be plenty of English football to enjoy on Saturday, with the likes of Chelsea, Arsenal and Sheffield United all in action.
In a bid to make life easier for you, we’ve been through the matches that are taking place and done our best to pick out some potential winners.
The reasoning behind each of our selections can be found below. If you like what you read, then simply click on the accumulator that we have put together in order to place your bet.
Chelsea v Queens Park Rangers – Home Win
• Chelsea have collected 30 points from their last 12 Premier League matches
• QPR have lost 11 of their previous 14 away games in the league
• QPR have lost 11 of their previous 14 away games in the league
Arsenal v Burnley – Home Win
• Arsenal are unbeaten in 22 Premier League home matches
• Burnley are winless in ten league games
• Burnley are winless in ten league games
Notts County v Walsall – Home Win
• Notts County have won each of their previous five League One matches
• Walsall are winless in ten League One away games
• Walsall are winless in ten League One away games
Sheffield United v Barnsley – Home Win
• Sheffield United have won seven of their last nine League One home matches
• Barnsley have lost five of their previous nine League One games
• Barnsley have lost five of their previous nine League One games
Fleetwood Town v Gillingham – Home Win
• Fleetwood are unbeaten in 14 home matches in the league
• Gillingham are winless in 11 League One away games, losing eight of these contests
• Gillingham are winless in 11 League One away games, losing eight of these contests
Our Kickoff algorithm has been busy crunching the numbers ahead of these games, enabling us to put together a tasty coupon for you in the Win/Draw/Win market:
Although Arsenal don’t seem to have quite hit top gear yet, the return of some key personnel from injury will begin to boost both their options and moral.
Looking over some of the stats for this weekends fixture against Burnley, it seems clear there are goals to find found from Arsenal’s attacking midfielders.
Since taking the lead against Chelsea in the opening game of the season, Burnley have failed to open the scoring in any of their Premier League games.
In four of the five games they did concede the first goal, they went on to lose the game only managing to salvage a point vs fellow promotees Leicester.
Arsenal also have a good record when it comes to opening the scoring at home vs teams in the bottom half of the table.
- In their last 20 home games against teams positioned in the bottom half of the table, Arsenal have scored the first goal 15 times and conceded the first goal 5 times.
In Burnley’s 4 away Premier League games so far this season, they have conceded 4 goals to players in attacking midfield roles.
This was also the case when Burnley were last in the Premier League and facing Arsenal.
- All 4 of the goals Arsenal scored vs Burnley in the Premier League, came from midfielders.
Back in 2009/10 when Burnley last visited the Emirates, Arsenal won the game 3-1 thanks to goals from Cesc Fabregas, Andrei Arshavin and Theo Walcott.
Arsenal’s strikers are yet to score a first goal in the Premier League this season.
- In the 4 games that Arsenal have found the first goal, all 4 goals were scored by an attacking midfielder (Sanchez x3 & Ozil x1).
This points everything in Sanchez’s direction. Three of his five goals this term have been openers, with two of them coming in the Gunners last two Premier League games, as well as netting all of Arsenal’s goals against Sunderland.
Bet Victor are currently offering the best price on Alexis Sanchez to score first, offering odds of 5.00 when some are only giving you 3.80. With all of the evidence above pointing so clearly in Sanchez’s favour, this is a price just too good to miss.\
Are you watching, Menez? Lucas Moura shows Milan man he's the real deal
COMMENT: After being criticised by his former team-mate, Lucas has stepped up in the absence of Ibrahimovic to begin justifying his billing as a player to watch for PSG.
Until recently, Lucas Moura had cut a rather enigmatic figure for Paris Saint-Germain following his €45 million move from Sao Paulo in January 2013.
Capable of lighting up the Parc des Princes with his direct dribbling, he more frequently served to frustrate the home support with his poor decision-making and lack of efficiency.
The best example of this was his famous solo run against Marseille last season. He showcased his Ronaldo-esque acceleration, dazzling control and stunning power as he broke from inside his own half, leaving several defenders in his wake with just Steve Mandanda to beat.
When faced with the France international, though, he buckled and could not finish off what would have gone down as one of the all-time greatest goals in Ligue 1. As a result, he has failed to win the complete trust of head coach Laurent Blanc.
Ex-PSG player Jeremy Menez hinted at a similar exasperation in the minds of the playing staff, too. The attacker launched a withering attack on his former team-mate after making a sparkling start to his career with AC Milan, who he joined on a free transfer this summer.
“Lucas, he has been there for two years, and he has scored three goals. But he cost €40m more. And he is Brazilian. Today, it is perhaps better to be a foreigner at PSG,” Menez, drunk on an outrageous backheel goal against Parma, grumbled in September.
Capable of lighting up the Parc des Princes with his direct dribbling, he more frequently served to frustrate the home support with his poor decision-making and lack of efficiency.
The best example of this was his famous solo run against Marseille last season. He showcased his Ronaldo-esque acceleration, dazzling control and stunning power as he broke from inside his own half, leaving several defenders in his wake with just Steve Mandanda to beat.
When faced with the France international, though, he buckled and could not finish off what would have gone down as one of the all-time greatest goals in Ligue 1. As a result, he has failed to win the complete trust of head coach Laurent Blanc.
Ex-PSG player Jeremy Menez hinted at a similar exasperation in the minds of the playing staff, too. The attacker launched a withering attack on his former team-mate after making a sparkling start to his career with AC Milan, who he joined on a free transfer this summer.
“Lucas, he has been there for two years, and he has scored three goals. But he cost €40m more. And he is Brazilian. Today, it is perhaps better to be a foreigner at PSG,” Menez, drunk on an outrageous backheel goal against Parma, grumbled in September.
Even at the time, the attack seemed harsh.
Such was the competition with Ezequiel Lavezzi and Edinson Cavani for the wide berths in Blanc’s 4-3-3 formation, Lucas was unable to win the game time he required in order to truly settle.
Despite this, Ligue 1’s official statistics show that he finished last campaign with 10 assists to his credit. Only Zlatan Ibrahimovic and James Rodriguez completed the season with a greater tally – and both played around 700 more minutes of Championnat football.
Given that Lucas recorded more assists-per-minute than any other top player in France by a significant margin, it might be fair to suggest that Blanc’s lack of trust robbed him of the opportunity to feature in the World Cup in Brazil.
His fearless running was certainly missed by a Selecao offence that so often looked overly reliant on Neymar. But now the 22-year-old has been given an opportunity to sparkle in Ligue 1.
PSG’s attack has been hampered by injuries to Ibrahimovic and Lavezzi of late, while Cavani was recently banned after referee Clement Turpin proved overly-sensitive to the Uruguayan’s gun celebration against Lens.
That Blanc’s men have managed to record four victories in their last five – including a famous 3-2 Champions League success over Barcelona – owes much to the Brazilian. Interestingly, the only game PSG failed to win was the one the former Sao Paulo man did not start versus Monaco.
Since Menez opened his mouth, Lucas has become inspired. He has scored four times in four Ligue 1 starts and has started to carve a niche for himself on the wing in Paris.
During last weekend’s 3-0 success at home against Bordeaux, he assumed the mantle of offensive leader. Without Ibrahimovic and Cavani, Lucas emerged from the shadows and tortured visiting left-back Maxime Poundje, scoring two penalties - the second of which he had won himself.
It cannot be ignored that he is still prone to lacking a consistent clinical edge to his game – both with regards to his shooting and his passing around the area – yet the maturity with which he has coped with the criticism towards him is commendable.
Such was the competition with Ezequiel Lavezzi and Edinson Cavani for the wide berths in Blanc’s 4-3-3 formation, Lucas was unable to win the game time he required in order to truly settle.
Despite this, Ligue 1’s official statistics show that he finished last campaign with 10 assists to his credit. Only Zlatan Ibrahimovic and James Rodriguez completed the season with a greater tally – and both played around 700 more minutes of Championnat football.
Given that Lucas recorded more assists-per-minute than any other top player in France by a significant margin, it might be fair to suggest that Blanc’s lack of trust robbed him of the opportunity to feature in the World Cup in Brazil.
His fearless running was certainly missed by a Selecao offence that so often looked overly reliant on Neymar. But now the 22-year-old has been given an opportunity to sparkle in Ligue 1.
PSG’s attack has been hampered by injuries to Ibrahimovic and Lavezzi of late, while Cavani was recently banned after referee Clement Turpin proved overly-sensitive to the Uruguayan’s gun celebration against Lens.
That Blanc’s men have managed to record four victories in their last five – including a famous 3-2 Champions League success over Barcelona – owes much to the Brazilian. Interestingly, the only game PSG failed to win was the one the former Sao Paulo man did not start versus Monaco.
Since Menez opened his mouth, Lucas has become inspired. He has scored four times in four Ligue 1 starts and has started to carve a niche for himself on the wing in Paris.
During last weekend’s 3-0 success at home against Bordeaux, he assumed the mantle of offensive leader. Without Ibrahimovic and Cavani, Lucas emerged from the shadows and tortured visiting left-back Maxime Poundje, scoring two penalties - the second of which he had won himself.
It cannot be ignored that he is still prone to lacking a consistent clinical edge to his game – both with regards to his shooting and his passing around the area – yet the maturity with which he has coped with the criticism towards him is commendable.
“I'm more ready, more suited to the club and I have more confidence in myself,” he told beIN Sport last weekend.
“I have more space. With [ex-coach Carlo] Ancelotti I just stayed on the right, but I now cover the whole pitch and it is better for me. I try to accelerate, to provoke a mistake from my marker and to create chances - that's my role."
Lucas' assist statistics for last season show that it is a myth to suggest that he has been a flop in Paris, and his recent explosion this term illustrates that he can be a big star. Menez clearly needs to watch more of PSG.
“I have more space. With [ex-coach Carlo] Ancelotti I just stayed on the right, but I now cover the whole pitch and it is better for me. I try to accelerate, to provoke a mistake from my marker and to create chances - that's my role."
Lucas' assist statistics for last season show that it is a myth to suggest that he has been a flop in Paris, and his recent explosion this term illustrates that he can be a big star. Menez clearly needs to watch more of PSG.
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