Is Diablo 3 still the ultimate ARPG? Reaper of Souls update for consoles, and future patches.
When Diablo 3 was originally released it had big shoes to fill, as the game was long awaited by its predecessor’s fans, Diablo 2. The hard-core diablo fans had been playing Diablo 2 for over 10 years, and were eagerly waiting for the release of Diablo 3. When it did come out, many fans were disappointed due to the many concerns in the game such as the economy, hackers, and more. Despite the rocky start, Blizzard has listened to the fans and have made several changes to win back the hearts of their long-time fans. And with the release of the new update, Reaper of Souls, Blizzard is hoping to impress its fans even more.
The Reaper of Souls expansion was released on March 25th for the PC and has been released on August 19th for the consoles, both the Xbox One and 360, and the PS4 and PS3. The Reaper of Souls expansion starts off after the player has defeated Diablo 3 at the end. The main character Tyrael decides to hide the stone in a location known as the Tomb of Rakkis, and as they do, an Angel of Death enters the chamber, the rest can be found out in-game. The Reaper of Souls can also be purchased with the game itself, and is called the Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition.
The Reaper of Souls may be the biggest update to hit Diablo 3, but there are still some other things to look forward to. The Diablo 3 2.1 patch has been planned to release sometime this month, no exact date has been confirmed by Blizzard’s Diablo 3 division. As a bonus, Blizzard is also giving a weekend of 50% bonus gold from August 22nd to August 26th.
Initially, Diablo 3 had a rough start but it has listened to the feedback it had received from the community, and is planning on continuing to release both large and small updates. At this rate, Blizzard will not only live up to Diablo 2’s glory but may even surpass it.